Spring Detox

How to stay healthy in Spring

  • Spring and the wood element

How to stay healthy in Spring

Now that the cold of winter is beginning to lessen, the days are getting longer and warmer Spring is definitely in the air. The unsettled and changing nature of Spring is fraught with health challenges, so we need to learn how to stay healthy in Spring.

During winter energy is deep within the earth and our body. In Chinese Medicine philosophy Winter relates to the Kidneys and the Water element. As the universal Qi begins to stir and rise and expand the Wood element is awoken and Spring starts.

Spring relates to the Wood element and all things that grow and expand in nature. In Chinese Medicine the Liver and Gall Bladder are governed by the wood element and can be challenged during this season.

Spring Detox

detox your diet

Spring Clean your Health with a Spring Detox

After a long winter, Spring is finally in the air. The buds are beginning to burst forth from the trees and flowers are starting to bloom. The Chinese Wood element is moving upwards and our liver is being stimulated.

With each Spring we have the opportunity to reassess our health and our lifestyle and do a Spring Detox to support our bodies. Winter usually sees most people indulging in a bit of warming comfort in the form of alcohol, sweets and way too much food. Even if you do have pretty strict or clean living lifestyle most of the year round, indulgences do happen during the clod dark months of winter.

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